Monday, October 1, 2012

Jinja, the source of the Nile

These cute boys let me take their photo, then they sang for me, then they wanted to be paid!

Lunch in Jinja.  Fabulous Spring Rolls!

At the Source of the Nile.

Joe was a little intimidated by the old-growth forest.

Mud-sided house. Someone had apparently started to cook dinner!

Giant flower in the forest that had fallen from a vine.  I put my glasses down to get some perspective.  If you open it as a larger photo, the pattern is absolutely stunning!
Here are some pictures of our trip to Jinja, where the Nile river  begins as it drains out of Lake Victoria.  We had a fabulous lunch, then went to the small tourist area just across the river from where Speke (Dave will give you the history) stood and realized he had finally found it.  We then went in search of Bujigali Falls, which was once a mecca for serious kayakers.  Today, after the government built a dam downriver, it is a small village that has completely lost its economy.  We passed many empty hotels and restaurants on the way to the "falls" (we weren't aware at the time that the falls no longer exist), where we were suckered into paying to drive down a road to the river.  It was an incredibly muddy walk to look at the river and have a nice young man tell us how it used to look.  I took the picture of the two young boys, whom I then had to pay for the privilege.  The young man who gave us our "tour" also got paid.  Thanks to Dave, we also took a short hike in an old-growth forest.  Magical.  Joe was slightly scared, but we made it out ok.

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