Monday, September 24, 2012

Guacamole and . . .?

In our yard here we have an avocado tree that produces the most amazing avacados.  They are the size of a small child.  So, what better to do with avacados than to make guacamole?  And with what does one eat guacamole?  Chips!  If only it were that easy!  Being a former British empire, “chips” here are French fries.  The kind of chips with which we are familiar don’t really exist.  So, Mary and I, desperate for a medium with which to shovel the guacamole into our faces, attempted to make our own chips.  We made something that resembled flour tortillas then fried them.  Although they didn’t have the classic “crunch” that we would have liked, they did the trick!  Dave made about ½ gallon of guacamole with three avacados! Yummmmm.


  1. This looks better than anything I ate all day in the US. In fact it's 11 pm and I'm snacking on raisins. What did you use to make the chips?
