Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Negotiations and Preparations

Kathleen, Mary, and Damalie (top) preparing the thousands of pads and many hundreds of kits to give to a local high school; and haggling for the best price on a sewing machine--a foot-powered Singer no less, just like grandma used to use!  Too many power outages to rely solely on electric ones; (below).


  1. So good to see pictures of you! Glad you are doing well. Thanks to Diana Wilson for passing out the link to your blog. We miss you but realize you are about a great work! Take care,
    neighbor Dianne

  2. Replies
    1. I think Damalie got a good price. About $125 US. She called a day ahead so that we didn't get the Mzungu price. We are gearing up to go tomorrow to St. Ann Grace.

  3. The pad project was fantastic. We'll post some details once we catch up. We're about a week late on posts.
